hunter concepts

Software Development


Proven product development for clients in every space

We build web applications for .com, .org, .mil, .gov, and .edu clients. Our ability has been tested and proven and we will always find the best solution that will allow your employees to do their jobs in a more efficient way. Our clients can expect reliable and expandable products that fulfill their end users needs and are pleasing to the eye.

The Health Assessment is a health questionnaire that helps provide an individual with an evaluation of their current health risks and quality of life.

Scheduler V3 is a stand-alone service that provides management events of varying service types.

Carnegie Robotics Accounting Administration

API to manage client campaigns

VTE has been deeply embedded within Government and Military Institutions for years. We were tasked with establishing a cutting edge architecture, modern and clean design, and developing the application from the ground up. The 3rd version of VTE features a new social media platform along with rich media integration. These enhancements coupled with a fully featuring learning and training core put this application at the forefront of online education.

Centralized management tool for multiple products

Analyzed Proposal Submit Process

Donation management portal for non-profits

IVY is the most advanced Environmental Management Solution on Planet Earth.

Online medical professional collaboration network

Association Management System

Web content management portal and API for managing common data objects.

Truck Driver Recruitment Portal

Epicure.IO is a web based platform for restuaurants, bars, and grocery stores to manage their beer, wine, menus, and digital signage

Internal Fraud & Complaints Tracking

Cruise Ship Community Application

Expandable Self Documenting API Stack